3 day mega health camps

Beta Charitable Trust were delighted to support The Lions Club, Dar es Salem in facilitating a 3 Day Mega Camp at BOMBO Hospital, Tanga from 19th -21st May

A medical team consisting of 25 Nurses, 10 Optometrists, 2 Ophthalmologists, 2 General Practitioners and 1 Pharmacist joined the 10 Lions Club Volunteers to provide Free Medical screening consisting of Diabetes, Blood Pressure and BMI Screening followed by Eye Health screening.

With only a miniscule percentage of the population able to access any form of medical care, we were humbled to be part of this camp that saw 1,000 of the most vulnerable poor register within the first 4 hours of the camp, opening at dawn of the 19th May.

2,500 patients were screened over the 3 days, and 281 sight saving cataract surgeries were peformed during the night whilst most of us were sleeping.

Beta Charitable Trust further supported the corrective cataract surgeries of 105 patients in Kibosho Hospital, Moshi.

This camp was held from 31st May - 2nd June

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Bomu hospital 2 day free eye camp


1st quarter report - january to march 2023